Friday, 19 June 2015

Day 12 - Ballater to Inverness, 74 miles

This was the toughest day by far, taking us up three significant climbs, the highest through the Lecht, which is listed in the top 100 cycle climbs in the UK. We were to pass through ski resorts, castles and the breathtaking scenery of the Grampian Mountains to descend into the capital of the Highlands, Inverness.

Main van taking the large bags onto the next stop
We stayed at Ballater, close to Balmoral, a centre for hikers and known for its spring water, once said to cure scrofula TB of the lymph glands).  The physician to Queen Victoria owned the house where we stayed.

There are a large number of Munro’s in the area.  

Munro’s are named after Sir Hugh Munro and include all mountains in Scotland over 3000ft. This are ticked off by avid walkers. 

“Munro bagging” is the term used collect as many Munros as possible (282 in all).

This was a castle - small and extraordinary fortified house building in the middle of nowhere

I have been reliably informed that this may be a 'peel house' - a fortified building, presumably to protect against invasions (of whom?)

The climbs begin...

This is near top of the steepest part of the Lecht. My Garmin hit 20% then went to unrecordable.
It was bitterly cold despite working hard.

Still a long, long way to go...

...but a moment of repose

...for a very fine view.

...and words to remind us to stop and look.

At the top was the Lecht ski resort. It was <4C with a bitter headwind. I was very cold, so cold I could hardly speak. 

Kathy was waiting for me at the top. My ascent had been slow as I'd stopped frequently to catch the views and some photos.
We descended into the northwesterly. At 10% descent we still had to peddle. 
At 20% it felt worrisome as we were buffeted creating a wobbly ride.

We passed through Tomintoul as part of our descent to Inverness - really important facts
  • The highest village in the Scottish Highlands
  • Close to the Glenlivet Estate
  • 'Lord' Tony Williams, Deputy Director of Finance for the Metropolitan Police defrauded £4.5 million from the police and used this improve a local hotel, the Gordon Arms. He was caught and imprisoned for 7 years
  • A 10m fibreglass Zulu was found in the beer cellar - purpose unknown
  • Grigor Willcox, a white warlock, lived in Tomintoul in the 18th century - he carried amulets including a mermaid's crystal. His special powers included making cows produce milk, curing barren women and detecting thieves. Perhaps his spirit helped uncover Tony's illegal Zulu warrior purchase.

Took quite a while to warm up. This afternoon was our first experience of moderate rain.

Then it dried up and we enjoyed a final descent to Inverness!

Really big climbs - the Lecht is one of the top 100 climbs in the UK

See screen shots if you are on the spectrum
Road kill - 26 rabbits, one hare, one sheep, 5 birds (2 pheasant)

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